The Key To Resolve All Relationship Issues

The Key To Resolve All Relationship Issues | सत्यं जगन्मिथ्या जीवो ब्रह्मैव नापरः | Bhagavad Gita – 2.30

Do you know, that one of the biggest lessons of Bhagavad Gita, is to tap our innate soul-power, to become victorious over our lower ego-nature? This is the key to not only resolving all our Relationship Issues but also releasing all toxic emotional turmoil. जब मैं था तब हरि नहीं, अब हरि हैं मैं नाहिं। […]

The Key To Resolve All Relationship Issues | सत्यं जगन्मिथ्या जीवो ब्रह्मैव नापरः | Bhagavad Gita – 2.30 Read More »

Sudhanshu Goswami Youtube

How to become a conscious creator? How to Step Into Creator’s Consciousness? Bhagavad Gita – 2.25

Do You know, How to become a Conscious Creator? How to Step Into Creator’s Consciousness? If you can move into Creator Consciousness, even for a fraction of a second, you can manifest anything you want in your life? यदि केवल एक सेकंड के भी एक छोटे से अंश के लिए भी, आप अपनी चेतना को

How to become a conscious creator? How to Step Into Creator’s Consciousness? Bhagavad Gita – 2.25 Read More »

अहं ब्रह्म अस्मि। Why Is This The Most Important Knowledge In The World? | Bhagavad Gita – 2.17

Do You know the Soul cannot be destroyed, not even by the Gods? Do You Know Why? It’s because Brahman himself is the soul and one cannot act on itself. Therefore no one can bring about the destruction of this immutable Brahman. No one, not even God Himself, can destroy his own Self, because the

अहं ब्रह्म अस्मि। Why Is This The Most Important Knowledge In The World? | Bhagavad Gita – 2.17 Read More »

Mantra For Transformation And Success In Life – Bhagavad Gita chapter 2.2

Do you know what is the first thing you require to transform yourself and your life? It’s becoming uncomfortable with your current state. Most people do not choose to Design an Extraordinary Lives for themselves, because they have grown comfortable, with the pain and suffering of current life. The first words that Lord Krishna spoke

Mantra For Transformation And Success In Life – Bhagavad Gita chapter 2.2 Read More »

Mindfulness Meditation

Mindfulness Meditation – 21 Day Challenge For Healing Negative Thoughts & Emotions

Mindfulness is a mental state that involves being fully focused on “the now” or the present moment. Various types of meditation schools whether Transcendental Meditation or Vipassana or Mindfulness all acknowledge the importance of present moment awareness. Because this is all that is. It’s the ultimate truth. Heartfulness or Mindfulness meditation is really good because

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Aparigraha-Declutter For Unlimited Success

Aparigraha-Declutter For Unlimited Success

Maharishi Patanjali’s Yoga Sutra 2.30 mentions: अहिंसासत्यास्तेय ब्रह्मचर्यापरिग्रहाः यमाः ॥३०॥ ahiṁsā-satya-asteya brahmacarya-aparigrahāḥ yamāḥ ॥30॥ Out of the Five Yamas mentioned in the Eight Limbs of Ashtanga Yoga, Aparigraha is the 5th Yama. Since it is part of Yama it is considered under Bahiranga Yoga and not Antarang Yoga. Parigraha means taking possession or holding things. While Apraigraha

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Panch Kosha Five Layers of Consciousness

Manifest destiny | Manifest Abundance through Panch Kosha Reiki Healing

What is Reiki Energy and how does it work? Reiki Healing is an ancient Japanese method of healing. It channels life force energy to balance the body and mind. The quantum of energy one can channelize is a function of inner purity.  Panch Kosha Reiki Healing increases purity of inner self, thereby allowing you to manifest

Manifest destiny | Manifest Abundance through Panch Kosha Reiki Healing Read More »