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Design Your Extraordinary Life FREE Workshop - Quantum Healing

All the Pains & Struggles of life including Financial Poverty are Karmic. But You Have The Power TO Over Ride Your Karma.
Do You Want To Learn How?

आर्थिक समस्याओं सहित जीवन के सभी कष्ट और संघर्ष कर्मजन्य हैं।
क्वांटम आध्यात्मिक उपचार से आप जीवन बदल सकते हैं |

Learn How To Activate Your Wealth DNA And Unlock Wealth & Abundance By Dissolving Negative Money Beliefs And Karmic Blockages Easily, Without Disrupting Your Daily Schedule, Even If You Have Never Done Any Spiritual Practice Earlier.

Quantum Healing Workshop

क्या आप जानना चाहते हैं कि कैसे:

  • 1.

    अपने धन DNA को सक्रिय करें ?
  • 2.

    अपनी नकारात्मक धन सम्बन्धी मान्यतायों को सकारात्मक बनायें ?
  • 3.

    अपने पूर्व जन्मों के कार्मिक अवरोधों को आसानी से दूर करें ?
  • 4.

    अपने जीवन में धन और प्रचुरता को प्रवाहित होने दें |
  • 5.

    चिंता, डिप्रेशन और विफलता के डर को दूर भगाएं |
  • 6.

    अपना आत्म अनुशासन, दृढ़ संकल्प और इच्छाशक्ति विकसित करें और उत्पादकता को 10 गुना बढ़ाएं |

Manifest Abundance Effortlessly, Say Goodbye to Financial Struggle, without Disrupting Your Daily Routine, Even if You've Never Done Any Spiritual Practice Till Now!

जुड़ें उन लाखों धन्य लोगों से जो Money Mantra Quantum Healing के द्वारा स्वास्थ्य, धन और समृद्धि को आकर्षित कर रहे हैं और अपने जीवन में प्रचुरता का आनंद ले रहे हैं।

(Join This 3 Hr RESULT ORIENTED  Quantum Healing Workshop.)

Discover The Secret To Overcome The 3 Forces behind your Pains & Struggles in life:
1. Prarabdh Karma, 
2. Ancestral Lineage (Pitra Dosha), and 
3. Environmental Energies (Vastu). 

Quantum Healing Enables You To

  1. Heal Your Negative Money Beliefs.
  2. Heal Your Karma – Past, Present & Future.
  3. Overcome Procrastination & 10X Your Productivity.
  4. Overcome Anxiety, Depression &  Fear Of Failure.
  5. Develop Your Focus, Self-Discipline, Determination & Will Power.

Awaken Your Super Human Potential And Start Experiencing Amazing Health, Wealth,  Relationships & Career  Breakthroughs Within 90 Days  Even If You Are New To Spirituality.

Workshop is on 11th February 2024, 11:00 AM
***Be Quick! Last few spots for this batch are remaining!***

Please Check All Boxes Where Your Answer Is YES!

If You Checked ANY Of The Boxes Above, Then You’re Invited To Join
With Me Live Inside


Discover the 3 Powerful Secrets of Quantum Healing to magnify your positive traits of productivity, self-discipline, and willpower.

And Learn How To Create a Healthy, Wealthy, and a Joyous life for Yourself and your Family.

And That’s What Exactly I Am Going To Reveal In My Upcoming

“3 Hours Quantum Healing Workshop”


Register before 11th Feb, 2024 to unlock bonuses worth ₹ 25,000

Bonuses worth Rs. 25,000 👇

Vasudha Prosperity Symbol
Money Mantra

1. Create Your Customised Switchword & Heal Your  Negative Money Belief  – Rs 5,000

2. Learn To Clean Your Aura and Embark on a 49 Day Days Healing Sadhna. – Rs 5,000

3. 10 Lucky Participants get a Personal Astro-Vastu Consultation & Solution for a major life problem during 1-2-1 private meeting with Master Healers. – Rs. 5,000.

4. Get Attunement For Vasudha Prosperity Symbol. and Kickstart Your 30-Day Wealth Manifestation Journey – Rs. 5,000.

5. Receive Vastu Tips for Healing Your Home. Make a Money Bowl And We Will Charge & Energize it FREE – Rs 5,000

Meet Your Hosts

1. Master Healer - Dr Surabhi Sharma

2. Master Healer - Sudhanshu Goswami

Yogic Reiki Abundance
Kanchee Shankracharya
Mukesh Ambani Puja

This Workshop Is For You, If You Believe That:

1. Toxic Emotional Baggage – Is A Result Of Spiritual Ignorance

2. Painful Karmic Baggage – Is A Result Of Spiritual Ignorance

3. Limiting Beliefs – Are A Result Of Spiritual Ignorance

4. Inner Voices, Fears, Anxiety, Procrastination – Are A Result Of Spiritual Ignorance.

The ROOT CAUSES of All The Above Lies Deep Within You. 

With Your Inner Healing, You Would Be Able To:

1. Transcend Your Horoscope,

2. Dissolve Past Karmas,

3. Design Your New Destiny in this Lifetime Itself.

‼ Would you like to take control over every area of your life? There is a science to designing a holistic life.

India's Most Trusted Techno-Spiritual Healing & Abundance Coach. Join Millions who have Achieved SUCCESS, PROSPERITY, and HAPPINESS through Quantum Healing.

Astonishing Results & Miracles In the Life of Those Who Have Embarked on Their Spiritual Healing

Life Transformation Of Amruta Ji - From Pain & Fear to Bliss 👇
Dr Ravindra Ji - Blessed With A Better & Higher Job Of Professor 👇
Design Your Extraordinary Life Workshop
Promotion & Salary Hike Of Chandrashekhar Ji 👇
Design Your Extraordinary Life
Miracle - Got Job After 7 Years Of Joblessness 👇
Multiple Job Opportunities & Goal Manifestation 👇
Design Your Extraordinary Life Workshop
Successfully Progressing Higher In Career 👇
Design Your Extraordinary Life Workshop

Time is running out. Reserve your seat now!


Fee will increase to Rs 1997 once the timer hits ZERO.

Limited Time Offer
