
‼ Learn the 3 Secrets Of YOGIC-CHAKRA-REIKI Spiritual Healing To:

1. 10X Your Productivity,

2. Dissolve Your Fears, Anxiety &  Procrastination,

3. Release Your Toxic Emotional Baggage

And Start Experiencing Amazing Health, Wealth,  Relationships & Career  Breakthroughs Within 90 days  Even If You Are New To Spirituality.

योगिक-चक्र-रेकी उपचार के 3 अद्भुत रहस्य जानें | अपनी चेतना को जगायें, अपने आभा मंडल से नकारात्मक ऊर्जाओं को शुद्ध करें, अपने नकारात्मक कर्मों को दैविक कृपा से धो डालें और 90 दिनों के भीतर ही अद्भुत स्वास्थ्य, धन, करियर और संबंधों का सुखद अनुभव करना शुरू करें |

Join The 2 Hour Experiential Workshop To Learn:

  1. How To Overcome Your Helplessness In Controlling Your Life?
  2. How To Dissolve Past Karmas?
  3. How To Start Experiencing Synchronicity & Daily Miracles?

2 Hour Workshop: Sunday, 28th May, 2023 - 11:30 AM to 01:30 PM

Only 3% Of The People Know This Secret Which Make Them BILLIONAIRES & SUPER ACHIEVERS ‼ विश्व के केवल 3% लोग ही इस रहस्य को जानते हैं जिसने उन्हें अरबपति और विश्व विख्यात बना दिया |

2 Hour Workshop: Sunday, 28th May, 2023 - 11:30 AM to 01:30 PM

We upgrade the software of all machines, but forget to upgrade the software of the most powerful machine on the earth, our own self. Most human beings lead lives based on scripts that came pre-loaded with their machines (Prarabdh Karmas). 

But When You Start Inner Healing, You Start Rewriting The Script Of Your Life. 

Don’t be stuck with the obsolete software. 

Upgrade the software of your life now!

नकारात्मक कर्मों के धुलते ही आप एक नयी उच्च चेतना का अनुभव करेंगे जिससे आप अपने प्रारब्ध को भी बदलने की क्षमता पा लेंगे| 

अपनी चेतना को जगायें और नकारात्मक कर्मों की शुद्धि के द्वारा अपने जीवन की पट कथा स्वयं लिखें |

2 Hour Workshop: Sunday, 28th May, 2023 - 11:30 AM to 01:30 PM

This Workshop Is For You, If You Believe That:

1. Toxic Emotional Baggage – Is A Result Of Spiritual Ignorance

2. Painful Karmic Baggage – Is A Result Of Spiritual Ignorance

3. Limiting Beliefs – Are A Result Of Spiritual Ignorance

4. Inner Voices, Fears, Anxiety, Procrastination – Are A Result Of Spiritual Ignorance.

The ROOT CAUSES of All The Above Lies Deep Within You. 

With Your Inner Healing, You Would Be Able To:

1. Transcend Your Horoscope,

2. Dissolve Past Karmas,

3. Design Your New Destiny in this Lifetime Itself.

‼ Would you like to take control over every area of your life? There is a science to designing a holistic life.

In This Workshop, You Shall Learn the 3 Secrets Of The Most Authentic Spiritual Process Of YOGIC-CHAKRA-REIKI Healing to Align Your Panch Koshas (Five Layers Of Consciousness).

‼ क्या आप अपने जीवन के हर क्षेत्र पर नियंत्रण रखना चाहेंगे?

समग्र जीवन को डिजाइन करने का एक विज्ञान है जो हमारे शास्त्रों में वर्णित है ।‼

2 Hour Workshop: Sunday, 28th May, 2023 - 11:30 AM to 01:30 PM

Through The Spiritual Alignment Of Five Layers Of Your Consciousness, You Will Learn HOW TO:

1. 10X Your Productivity and Will Power

2. Release Your Toxic Emotional Baggage,

3. Overcome Your Fears & Procrastination,

4. Dissolve Your Limiting Beliefs,

5. Heal Yourself and Your Loved Ones,

6. Enjoy Good Physical & Mental Health,

7. Enjoy Loving Relationships,

8. Create Your New Destiny, AND

9. Design Your Extraordinary Life.

अपनी चेतना के पंच कोशों के आध्यात्मिक संरेखण के माध्यम से, आप सीखेंगे कि कैसे:

1. अपनी उत्पादकता और इच्छा शक्ति को १० गुना बढ़ा सकें

2. अपना विषाक्त भावनात्मक सोच को बदल सकें ,

3. अपने डर और शिथिलता पर काबू पाएं,

5. अपने आप को और अपने परिवार को स्वस्थ रखें,

6. अच्छे शारीरिक और मानसिक स्वास्थ्य का आनंद लें,

7. प्यार भरे रिश्तों का आनंद लें,

8. अपने नए भाग्य का निर्माण स्वयं करें, और

9. अपना जीवन असाधारण बनायें ।

2 Hour Workshop: Sunday, 28th May, 2023 - 11:30 AM to 01:30 PM

Astonishing Results & Miracles In the Life of Those Who Have Embarked on Their Spiritual Healing

Life Transformation Of Amruta Ji - From Pain & Fear to Bliss 👇
Dr Ravindra Ji - Blessed With A Better & Higher Job Of Professor 👇
Design Your Extraordinary Life Workshop
Promotion & Salary Hike Of Chandrashekhar Ji 👇
Design Your Extraordinary Life
Miracle - Got Job After 7 Years Of Joblessness 👇
Multiple Job Opportunities & Goal Manifestation 👇
Design Your Extraordinary Life Workshop
Successfully Progressing Higher In Career 👇
Design Your Extraordinary Life Workshop

90 Days That Can Change Your Life!!!


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